Source code for cyclic_boosting.plots.plot_utils

import contextlib

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import six
from import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize

from cyclic_boosting import utils

[docs] def add_missing_values_box(ax, nan_value=None, nan_uncert=None, nan_count=None): r"""Adds a Neurobayes analysis-plot-style box to plot axes indicating the corresponding value for NaN-data. The function assumes that there is free space to the right of the plot. It was originally designed to fit the NaN-box between a 2-D :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` plot and its colorbar (see example below). Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The axes object corresponding to the plot to which the nan box should be added nan_value : float A value to be displayed in the NaN box nan_uncert : float If not None, uncertainty that will be printed as plusminus deviation Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes axes object of the NaN-box """ xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() middle, right = fill_missing_values_box(ax, xmax, xmin, ymin, ymax) ax.set_xlim(xmin, right) if nan_value is None: nan_text = r"NaN: -" else: nan_text = r"NaN: {value:.3f}" if nan_uncert is not None: nan_text += r" $\pm$ {uncert:.3f}" if nan_count is not None: nan_text += r", #: {count:.0f}" ax.axvline(xmax) ax.text( middle, sum(ax.get_ylim()) * 0.5, nan_text.format(value=nan_value, uncert=nan_uncert, count=nan_count), rotation="vertical", fontsize=10, verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center", clip_on=True, )
[docs] def fill_missing_values_box(ax, xmax, xmin, ymin, ymax): """Fill the yellow area and return x coordinates for the missing values box. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes axes object into which the missing values box will be drawn xmax : float maximum x-limit of the axes xmin : float minimum x-limit of the axes ymin : float minimum y-limit of the axes ymax : float maximum y-limit of the axes Note ---- Be careful of the unintuitive order of the parameters. Returns ------- (float, float) tuple of x-coordinates for the middle and the right edge of the box (the left edge is already given by xmax) """ middle, right = calc_extent_with_missing_values_box(xmin, xmax) ax.fill_between([xmax, right], ymin, ymax, color="#f7d208", alpha=0.5) return middle, right
[docs] def calc_extent_with_missing_values_box(xmin, xmax): """Calculates new extent of a plot when a missing values box is added Parameters ---------- xmin : float minimum x-limit of the original plot xmax : float maximum x-limit of the original plot Returns ------- (float, float) tuple of x-coordinates for the middle and the right edge of the box (the left edge is already given by xmax) """ step = (xmax - xmin) * 0.05 right = xmax + step middle = xmax + 0.5 * step return middle, right
[docs] def colorful_histogram(ax, x, bin_boundaries, cmap): """Plot a histogram on a given matplotlib axis `ax` for to-be-binned values `x` with bin boundaries ``bin_boundaries`` (is passed to ``np.histogram``). Each bin column is colored using the map provided by ``cmap``. """ freq, bin_borders = np.histogram(x, bins=bin_boundaries) color_norm = Normalize(vmin=np.min(bin_borders), vmax=np.max(bin_borders)) scalar_mappable = ScalarMappable(norm=color_norm, cmap=cmap) bin_centers = 0.5 * bin_borders[:-1] + 0.5 * bin_borders[1:] bin_borders[:-1], freq, width=bin_borders[1] - bin_borders[0], color=scalar_mappable.to_rgba(bin_centers), ) return freq, bin_borders
[docs] def blue_cyan_green_cmap(): """Colormap from blue over cyan to green :rtype: :class:`matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap` """ return _colormap_gen(blue_red=False)
def _colormap_gen(blue_red=True): """Colormap from blue over magenta to red **or** blue over cyan to green Parameters ---------- blue_red: bool If ``True`` blue-magenta-red colormap, else blue-cyan-green colormap is build. Returns ------- matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap Color map """ r1, g1, b1 = 0, 0, 1 r2, g2, b2 = 1, 0, 0 if blue_red: color1 = "red" color2 = "green" name = "blue_magenta_red_cmap" else: color1 = "green" color2 = "red" name = "blue_cyan_green_cmap" cdict = { color1: ((0, r1, r1), (0.5, r2, r2), (1, r2, r2)), color2: ((0, g1, g1), (1, g2, g2)), "blue": ((0, b1, b1), (0.5, b1, b1), (1, b2, b2)), } cmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict) if blue_red: cmap.set_over((0.5, 0, 0)) else: cmap.set_over((0, 0.5, 0)) cmap.set_under((0, 0, 0.5)) return cmap def _nbpy_style(): """Activate nbpy's Matplotlib style default settings locally.""" rcParams = {} rcParams["grid.color"] = "#000000" rcParams["grid.alpha"] = 0.1 rcParams["grid.linestyle"] = "-" rcParams["lines.markersize"] = 3.0 rcParams["legend.numpoints"] = 1 # font sizes rcParams["font.size"] = 20 rcParams["legend.fontsize"] = "small" rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = "small" rcParams["axes.titlesize"] = "medium" rcParams["xtick.labelsize"] = "small" rcParams["ytick.labelsize"] = "small" rcParams["image.interpolation"] = "antialiased" with mpl.rc_context(rcParams): yield nbpy_style = utils.generator_to_decorator(_nbpy_style) nbpy_style_context = contextlib.contextmanager(_nbpy_style) @contextlib.contextmanager def _nbpy_style_figure(num=None, figsize=None): """Contextmanager for providing a new plotting environment using the nbpy plotting style. Some plot functions create a new figure by default. To avoid this, set the corresponding keyword argument, e.g. ``fignum`` in:: plt.matshow(matrix, fignum=False) Note ---- In earlier versions, this context closed all pre-existing figures. This functionality has been removed. Please call plt.close("all") yourself, if you need to remove figures before plotting. Parameters ---------- num: int figure number, by default :obj:`None` which, the default of :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.figure` default. figsize: tuple, float or None Optional size of the new figure to create. """ try: plt.figure(num=num, figsize=figsize) with nbpy_style_context(): yield finally: pass
[docs] def append_extension(file, extension): """Small helper method to append possibly missing extension to a file name. Only works on instances of basestring. Leaves all other objects unchanged Parameters ---------- file : any object extension : str extension (including '.') to be appended to file Returns ------- result : object of same type as `file` """ if isinstance(file, six.string_types): if not file.endswith(extension): file += extension return file