Source code for cyclic_boosting.plots

Plots for the Cyclic Boosting family
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import contextlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import gridspec
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

from cyclic_boosting.features import create_feature_id
from cyclic_boosting.utils import get_bin_bounds
from cyclic_boosting import CBNBinomC

from ._1dplots import plot_factor_1d
from ._2dplots import plot_factor_2d
from .plot_utils import append_extension, nbpy_style

def _guess_suitable_number_of_histogram_bins(n):
    Guesses a suitable number of histograms for a given number of samples.
    sturges = int(np.ceil(np.log(n) / np.log(2) + 1))
    return np.clip(sturges, 5, 30)

def _factor_plots_y_limits(factor_arr, uncert_arr=None, percentage=0.05, ymin_for_zero=1e-3):
    >>> y = np.array([0, 1e-5, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 10, 100, 1e5])
    >>> np.allclose(_factor_plots_y_limits(y), (-1e-3, 1e5 * 1.05))

    >>> y = np.array([1e-5, 10])
    >>> np.allclose(_factor_plots_y_limits(y), (1e-5 * 0.95, 10 * 1.05))
    if uncert_arr is not None:
        ymax = np.max(factor_arr + uncert_arr)
        ymin = np.min(factor_arr - uncert_arr)
        ymax = np.max(factor_arr)
        ymin = np.min(factor_arr)

    if ymin == 0:
        ymin = -ymin_for_zero
        ymin = ymin * (1 - percentage)

    return ymin, ymax * (1 + percentage)

[docs] @nbpy_style def plot_iteration_info(plot_observer): """ Convenience method calling :func:`plot_loss` and :func:`plot_factor_change`. Parameters ---------- plot_observer: :class:`~cyclic_boosting.observers.PlottingObserver` A fitted plotting observer. """ plt.subplot(211) plot_loss(plot_observer) plt.subplot(212) plot_factor_change(plot_observer)
[docs] @nbpy_style def plot_factor_change(plot_observer): """ Plot the global factor changes for all iterations. Parameters ---------- plot_observer: :class:`~cyclic_boosting.observers.PlottingObserver` A fitted plotting observer. """ factor_changes = plot_observer.factor_change n = len(factor_changes) iterations = np.arange(1, n + 1) plt.xlabel("Iterations") plt.ylabel("Factor change of all features") ymin, ymax = _factor_plots_y_limits(factor_changes) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(0.9, n + 0.1) plt.plot(iterations, factor_changes, "ob-") plt.grid(True)
[docs] @nbpy_style def plot_loss(plot_observer): """ Plot the change of the loss function between the in-sample y and the predicted factors for all iterations. For the zeroth iteration the mean of y is used as prediction. Parameters ---------- plot_observer: :class:`~cyclic_boosting.observers.PlottingObserver` A fitted plotting observer. """ loss = plot_observer.loss n = len(loss) iterations = np.arange(n) plt.xlabel("Iterations") plt.ylabel("Loss") ymin, ymax = _factor_plots_y_limits(loss) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(-0.1, n + 0.1) plt.plot(iterations, loss, "o-r") plt.grid(True)
[docs] @nbpy_style def plot_in_sample_diagonal_plot(plot_observer): """ Plot the in sample diagonal plot for prediction and truth. Parameters ---------- plot_observer: :class:`~cyclic_boosting.observers.PlottingObserver` A fitted plotting observer. """ plot_observer.check_fitted() means, bin_centers, errors, _ = plot_observer.histograms plt.plot(bin_centers, means, "o", color="b") ymin, ymax = plt.ylim() if errors is not None: plt.errorbar( bin_centers, means, yerr=[-errors[0], errors[1]], fmt="none", ecolor="b", capsize=2.5, ) else: plt.errorbar( bin_centers, means, fmt="none", ecolor="b", capsize=2.5, ) xmin, xmax = plt.xlim() plt.ylim(min(xmin, ymin), max(xmax, ymax)) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [xmin, xmax], "k", linewidth=0.4) plt.xlabel("Prediction") plt.ylabel("Truth")
[docs] def plot_analysis( plot_observer, file_obj, binners=None, figsize=(11.69, 8.27), use_tightlayout=True, plot_yp=True, ): """ Plot factors as a multipage PDF, also include plots for Loss and factor change behaviour and an insample diagonal plot. Parameters ---------- plot_observer: :class:`~cyclic_boosting.observers.PlottingObserver` A fitted plotting observer. file: string or file-like If a string indicates the name of the file, to which the plots are written. The ending '.pdf' is added if it is not present already. You may also pass a file-like object. binners: list A list of binners. If binners are given the labels of the x-axis of factor plots are better interpretable. figsize: tuple A tuple with length containing the width and height of the figures. use_tightlayout: bool If true the tightlayout option of matplotlib is used. """ filepath_or_object = append_extension(file_obj, ".pdf") dpi = 200 with contextlib.closing(PdfPages(filepath_or_object)) as pdf_pages: plot_observer.check_fitted() # do not show for nbinom width mode if plot_observer.link_function.__class__ != CBNBinomC: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plot_in_sample_diagonal_plot(plot_observer) plt.savefig(pdf_pages, format="pdf", dpi=dpi) for feature in plot_observer.features: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) grid = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) _plot_one_feature_group( plot_observer, grid[0], feature, binners, use_tightlayout, plot_yp=plot_yp, ) plt.savefig(pdf_pages, format="pdf", dpi=dpi) # plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # plot_factor_change(plot_observer) # plt.savefig(pdf_pages, format="pdf", dpi=dpi) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plot_loss(plot_observer) plt.savefig(pdf_pages, format="pdf", dpi=dpi) # for feature in plot_observer.features: # plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # f_sum = feature.factor_sum # # f_sum /= f_sum[-1] # plt.plot(f_sum) # plt.title( # "absolute factor sum for {} over iterations".format( # feature.feature_group # ) # ) # plt.savefig(pdf_pages, format="pdf", dpi=dpi) plt.close("all")
[docs] @nbpy_style def plot_factors( plot_observer, binners=None, feature_groups_or_ids=None, features_per_row=2, use_tightlayout=True, plot_yp=True, ): """ Create a matplotlib figure containing several factor plots (of a possibly pre-defined subset of features) in a grid. Parameters ---------- plot_observer: :class:`~cyclic_boosting.observers.PlottingObserver` A fitted plotting observer. binners: list A list of binners. If binners are given the labels of the x-axis of factor plots are better interpretable. feature_groups_or_ids: list A list of feature group names or :class:`cyclic_boosting.base.FeatureID` for which the factors will be plotted. Default is to plot the factors of all features. features_per_row: int The number of factor plots in one row. use_tightlayout: bool If true the tightlayout option of matplotlib is used. """ plot_observer.check_fitted() if feature_groups_or_ids is None: features = plot_observer.features else: feature_ids = [create_feature_id(feature_group_or_id) for feature_group_or_id in feature_groups_or_ids] features = [plot_observer.features[feature_id] for feature_id in feature_ids] n_plots = len(features) grid = gridspec.GridSpec(int(np.ceil(n_plots / features_per_row)), features_per_row) for i, feature in enumerate(features): _plot_one_feature_group(plot_observer, grid[i], feature, binners, use_tightlayout, plot_yp=plot_yp)
def _format_groupname_with_type(feature_group, feature_type): name = ", ".join(feature_group) if feature_type is None: return name else: return "{0} ({1})".format(name, feature_type) def _plot_one_feature_group(plot_observer, grid_item, feature, binners=None, use_tightlayout=True, plot_yp=True): if len(feature.feature_group) == 1: # treatment of one-dimensional features # no bin occupancy plot for too many bins if len(feature.factors_link) > 400: plt.subplot(grid_item) plot_factor_1d( feature, bin_bounds=get_bin_bounds(binners, feature.feature_group[0]), link_function=plot_observer.link_function, plot_yp=plot_yp, ) else: gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(2, 1, subplot_spec=grid_item, height_ratios=[2.5, 0.4]) factor_plot = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) plot_factor_1d( feature, bin_bounds=get_bin_bounds(binners, feature.feature_group[0]), link_function=plot_observer.link_function, plot_yp=plot_yp, ) plt.subplot(gs[1, 0], sharex=factor_plot) bin_occupancies = np.bincount(feature.lex_binned_data) plt.plot(range(len(bin_occupancies)), bin_occupancies) plt.xticks(size="xx-small", rotation="vertical") plt.grid(True, which="both") elif len(feature.feature_group) == 2: # treatment of two-dimensional features plot_factor_2d( n_bins_finite=plot_observer.n_feature_bins[feature.feature_group], feature=feature, grid_item=grid_item, ) else: plt.subplot(grid_item) plot_factor_high_dim(feature) if use_tightlayout: plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def plot_factor_histogram(feature): """ Plots a histogram of the given factors with a logarithmic y-axis. Parameters ---------- feature: cyclic_boosting.base.Feature Feature object from as it can be obtained from a plotting observer """ factors = feature.unfitted_factors_link smoothed_factors = feature.factors_link feat_group = feature.feature_group feature_type = feature.feature_type feat_group = _format_groupname_with_type(feat_group, feature_type) n_bins = _guess_suitable_number_of_histogram_bins(len(factors)) fig = plt.figure() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=2, ncols=1, figure=fig) fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) plt.title("Unsmoothed-Factor Histogram for {0}".format(feat_group)) plt.xlabel("Factor") plt.ylabel("Count") plt.hist(factors, bins=n_bins, log=True) fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) dev = smoothed_factors - factors plt.xlabel("smoothed_factors - factors") plt.ylabel("Count") plt.hist(dev, bins=100, log=True, color="red")
plot_factor_high_dim = plot_factor_histogram __all__ = [ "plot_iteration_info", "plot_factor_change", "plot_loss", "plot_in_sample_diagonal_plot", "plot_analysis", "plot_factors", "plot_factor_1d", "plot_factor_2d", "plot_factor_high_dim", "plot_factor_histogram", ]