Source code for cyclic_boosting.plots._2dplots

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import gridspec

from cyclic_boosting.plots._1dplots import _get_y_axis

from .plot_utils import add_missing_values_box, blue_cyan_green_cmap, colorful_histogram

_imshow_style = dict(aspect="auto", origin="lower", interpolation="nearest")
_imshow_style_precisions = _imshow_style.copy()
_imshow_style_precisions["cmap"] = plt.get_cmap("gray_r")
_imshow_style_factors = _imshow_style.copy()
_imshow_style_factors["cmap"] = blue_cyan_green_cmap()

def _no_finite_samples(ax):
        "No finite samples to plot",

def _imshow_factors_2d(ax, factors, nan_factor, nan_uncertainty, title, clim, feature, nan_count):
    """Factor plots for unsmoothed and smoothed 2d factors.
        Matplotlib axis where drawing takes place
        numpy ndarray (two-dimensional) with factor data
        factor value of the NaN-bin
        uncertainty of the factor in the NaN-bin, optionally None
    title: str
        the title of the plot
    clim: tuple
        limits for imshow
        Feature object for the feature that is shown
    first_feature_name = feature.feature_group[0] + (feature.feature_type or "")
    second_feature_name = feature.feature_group[1] + (feature.feature_type or "")
    if len(factors) == 0:
        img = ax.imshow(factors.T, **_imshow_style_factors)

    ax.set_title(title, fontsize=9, loc="left")
    if np.abs(nan_factor) > 0.0001:
        add_missing_values_box(ax, nan_factor, nan_uncertainty, nan_count)

def bin_boundaries_for_factor_histograms(n_factors, extremal_absolute_factor):
    """Returns bin boundaries for a given factor array. The resulting bins are
    uneven in number, so that the neutral factor is in the center of a bin."""
    from cyclic_boosting.plots import _guess_suitable_number_of_histogram_bins

    n_bins = _guess_suitable_number_of_histogram_bins(n_factors)
    if n_bins % 2 == 0:
        n_bins += 1
    return np.linspace(-extremal_absolute_factor, extremal_absolute_factor, n_bins + 1)

def _plot_factors_histogram(ax, factors, extremal_absolute_factor):
    bin_boundaries = bin_boundaries_for_factor_histograms(len(factors), extremal_absolute_factor)
    freq, bin_borders = colorful_histogram(ax, factors, bin_boundaries=bin_boundaries, cmap=blue_cyan_green_cmap())
    ax.set_title("histogram of smoothed factors")
    ticks = 0.5 * bin_borders[1:] + 0.5 * bin_borders[:-1]
    plt.xticks(ticks, ["{:.1f}".format(x) for x in 2**ticks])

[docs] def plot_factor_2d(n_bins_finite, feature, grid_item=None): """ Plots a single two dimensional factor plot. For an example see the :ref:`cyclic_boosting_analysis_plots` Parameters ---------- n_bins_finite: int Number of finite bins feature: cyclic_boosting.base.Feature Feature as it can be obtained from the plotting observers ``features`` property. grid_item: :class:`matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec` If the plot should be imbedded into a larger grid. """ from cyclic_boosting.plots import _format_groupname_with_type plot_yp = True if feature.y is None: plot_yp = False if plot_yp: y2d = feature.y prediction2d = feature.prediction if plot_yp: factors = feature.mean_dev else: factors = feature.unfitted_factors_link smoothed_factors = feature.factors_link uncertainties = feature.unfitted_uncertainties_link _ = _format_groupname_with_type(feature.feature_group, feature.feature_type) weights = feature.bin_weightsums nan_factor_unfitted = feature.unfitted_factor_link_nan_bin nan_factor = feature.factor_link_nan_bin nan_uncertainty = uncertainties[-1] def extremal_factor(x): return max(np.abs(np.max(x)), np.abs(np.min(x))) factors2d = np.reshape(factors[:-1], n_bins_finite) smoothed2d = np.reshape(smoothed_factors[:-1], n_bins_finite) if plot_yp: y2d = np.reshape(y2d[:-1], n_bins_finite) prediction2d = np.reshape(prediction2d[:-1], n_bins_finite) if == 0: extremal_absolute_factor = 1 else: extremal_absolute_factor = extremal_factor(smoothed2d) if grid_item is not None: gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(2, 2, subplot_spec=grid_item) else: gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2) clim = (-extremal_absolute_factor, extremal_absolute_factor) _imshow_factors_2d( plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]), factors2d, nan_factor=nan_factor_unfitted, nan_uncertainty=nan_uncertainty, title="final deviation of predition and truth in link space", clim=clim, feature=feature, nan_count=0 if len(feature.bin_weightsums) < 1 else feature.nan_bin_weightsum, ) _imshow_factors_2d( plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]), smoothed2d, nan_factor=nan_factor, nan_uncertainty=None, title="smoothed parameters in link space", clim=clim, feature=feature, nan_count=0 if len(feature.bin_weightsums) < 1 else feature.nan_bin_weightsum, ) def plot_marginal(axis): w1 = np.reshape(weights[:-1], n_bins_finite) w1[w1 == 0.0] = 1.0 w = np.sum(w1, axis=axis) def f(x): return np.log(np.sum(w1 * np.exp(x), axis=axis) / w) marginal_smoothed = f(smoothed2d) marginal_dev = f(factors2d) if plot_yp: marginal_y = f(y2d) marginal_p = f(prediction2d) plt.axhline(0, color="gray") plt.plot(marginal_smoothed, "r.-", label="smoothed factors") if plot_yp: plt.plot(marginal_p, ".-", label="prediction", alpha=0.5) plt.plot(marginal_y, ".-", label="truth", alpha=0.5) else: plt.plot(marginal_dev, ".-", label="prediction / truth") if axis == 0: plt.plot(smoothed2d.T, "b-", alpha=0.03) else: plt.plot(smoothed2d, "b-", alpha=0.03) if plot_yp: all_arrays = np.r_[ marginal_smoothed, marginal_dev, marginal_p, marginal_y, smoothed2d.flatten(), ] else: all_arrays = np.r_[marginal_smoothed, marginal_dev, smoothed2d.flatten()] minmax = np.r_[np.min(all_arrays), np.max(all_arrays)] y_axis_range, y_axis_labels = _get_y_axis(np.r_[minmax, marginal_smoothed]) plt.yticks(y_axis_range, y_axis_labels) plt.title("Marginal Distribution: {}".format(feature.feature_group[0 if axis == 1 else 1])) plt.legend()[0, 1])) if len(factors2d) == 0: _no_finite_samples(plt.gca()) else: plot_marginal(1)[1, 1])) if len(factors2d) == 0: _no_finite_samples(plt.gca()) else: plot_marginal(0)
__all__ = []