Source code for cyclic_boosting.smoothing.base

Base classes for smoothers
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np
import sklearn.base as sklearnb

from cyclic_boosting.utils import bin_steps

[docs] class AbstractBinSmoother(sklearnb.BaseEstimator, sklearnb.RegressorMixin): """**Abstract base class** for smoothers acting on bins. Please implement the methods ``fit`` and ``predict``. """ inc_fitting = False supports_pandas = False
[docs] class SetNBinsMixin(object): """Mixin class for smoothers working on bins that saves binning information in ``fit`` to be available in ``predict``. """
[docs] def set_n_bins(self, X_for_smoother): ndim = X_for_smoother.shape[1] - 2 if ndim < 1: raise ValueError("Smoothers need at least three columns!") self.ndim_ = ndim self.bin_weights_ = X_for_smoother[:, -2] self.n_bins_ = np.max(X_for_smoother[:, : self.ndim_], axis=0) self.n_bins_ = np.round(self.n_bins_) self.n_bins_ = np.asarray(self.n_bins_, dtype=int) + 1 if ndim > 1: self._bin_steps = bin_steps(self.n_bins_)
__all__ = ["AbstractBinSmoother", "SetNBinsMixin"]