Source code for cyclic_boosting.regression

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import abc
import logging

import numexpr
import numpy as np
import six
import sklearn.base
import scipy.special

from cyclic_boosting.base import CyclicBoostingBase, CBLinkPredictionsFactors
from cyclic_boosting.features import Feature
from import LogLinkMixin

from typing import Tuple

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _calc_factors_from_posterior(alpha_posterior: np.ndarray, beta_posterior: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # The posterior distribution of f_j (factor in bin j)
    # follows a Gamma distribution. We want to use the median as estimate
    # because it is more stable against the log transformation. But calculating
    # the median is much more expensive for large values of alpha_posterior and
    # beta_posterior. Therefore we omit calculating the median and take the
    # mean instead (since mean -> median for large values of alpha_posterior
    # and beta_posterior).

    noncritical_posterior = (alpha_posterior <= 1e12) & (beta_posterior <= 1e12)
    # Median of the gamma distribution
    posterior_gamma = (
        scipy.special.gammaincinv(alpha_posterior[noncritical_posterior], 0.5) / beta_posterior[noncritical_posterior]

    factors = alpha_posterior / beta_posterior
    factors[noncritical_posterior] = posterior_gamma
    return np.log(factors)

def _calc_factors_and_uncertainties(alpha: np.ndarray, beta: np.ndarray, link_func: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]:
    alpha_prior, beta_prior = get_gamma_priors()
    alpha_posterior = alpha + alpha_prior
    beta_posterior = beta + beta_prior

    factors = _calc_factors_from_posterior(alpha_posterior, beta_posterior)
    # factor_uncertainties:
    # The variance used here was calculated by matching the first two moments
    # of the Gamma posterior with a log-normal distribution.
    uncertainties = np.sqrt(link_func(1 + alpha_posterior) - link_func(alpha_posterior))

    return factors, uncertainties

[docs] def get_gamma_priors() -> Tuple[int, float]: """prior values for Gamma distribution with median 1""" alpha_prior = 2 beta_prior = 1.67834 return alpha_prior, beta_prior
@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class CBBaseRegressor(CyclicBoostingBase, sklearn.base.RegressorMixin, LogLinkMixin): r"""This is the base regressor for all Cyclic Boosting regression problems. It implements :class:`` and is usable for regression problems with a target range of: :math:`0 \leq y < \infty`. """ def _check_y(self, y: np.ndarray) -> None: """Check that y has no negative values.""" if not (y >= 0.0).all(): raise ValueError( "The target y must be positive semi-definite " "and not NAN. y[~(y>=0)] = {0}".format(y[~(y >= 0)]) ) @abc.abstractmethod def calc_parameters(self, feature: Feature, y: np.ndarray, pred: CBLinkPredictionsFactors, prefit_data): raise NotImplementedError("implement in subclass") @abc.abstractmethod def precalc_parameters(self, feature: Feature, y: np.ndarray, pred: CBLinkPredictionsFactors) -> None: return None
[docs] class CBNBinomRegressor(CBBaseRegressor): r"""This regressor minimizes the mean squared error. It is usable for regressions of target-values :math:`0 \leq y < \infty`. This Cyclic Boosting mode assumes an underlying negative binomial (or Gamma-Poisson) distribution as conditional distribution of the target. The prior values for the Gamma distribution :math:`\alpha = 2.0` and :math:`\beta = 1.67834` are chosen such that its median is :math:`\Gamma_{\text{median}}(\alpha, \beta) =1`, which is the neutral element of multiplication (Cyclic Boosting in this mode is a multiplicative model). The estimate for each factor is the median of the Gamma distribution with the measured values of :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta`. To determine the uncertainties of the factors, the variance is estimated from a log-normal distribution that is approximated using the first two moments of the Gamma distribution. In the default case of parameter settings :math:`a = 1.0` and :math:`c = 0.0`, this regressor corresponds to the special case of a Poisson regressor, as implemented in :class:`~.CBPoissonRegressor`. """ def __init__( self, feature_groups=None, hierarchical_feature_groups=None, feature_properties=None, weight_column=None, prior_prediction_column=None, minimal_loss_change=1e-3, minimal_factor_change=1e-3, maximal_iterations=10, observers=None, smoother_choice=None, output_column=None, learn_rate=None, a=1.0, c=0.0, aggregate=True, ): CyclicBoostingBase.__init__( self, feature_groups=feature_groups, hierarchical_feature_groups=hierarchical_feature_groups, feature_properties=feature_properties, weight_column=weight_column, prior_prediction_column=prior_prediction_column, minimal_loss_change=minimal_loss_change, minimal_factor_change=minimal_factor_change, maximal_iterations=maximal_iterations, observers=observers, smoother_choice=smoother_choice, output_column=output_column, learn_rate=learn_rate, aggregate=aggregate, ) self.a = a # TODO: a and c as variable names are too vague self.c = c
[docs] def precalc_parameters(self, feature: Feature, y: np.ndarray, pred: CBLinkPredictionsFactors): pass
[docs] def calc_parameters( self, feature: Feature, y: np.ndarray, pred: CBLinkPredictionsFactors, prefit_data ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: a = self.a # noqa: F841 c = self.c # noqa: F841 weights = self.weights # noqa: F841 prediction_link = pred.predict_link() prediction = self.unlink_func(prediction_link) # noqa: F841 alpha_w = numexpr.evaluate("weights * y / (a + c * prediction)") beta_w = numexpr.evaluate("weights * prediction / (a + c * prediction)") lex_binnumbers = feature.lex_binned_data minlength = feature.n_bins alpha, beta = (np.bincount(lex_binnumbers, weights=w, minlength=minlength) for w in [alpha_w, beta_w]) link_func = self.link_func return _calc_factors_and_uncertainties(alpha, beta, link_func)
[docs] class CBPoissonRegressor(CBBaseRegressor): r"""This regressor minimizes the mean squared error. It is usable for regressions of target-values :math:`0 \leq y < \infty`. As Poisson regressor, it is a special case of the more general negative binomial regressor :class:`~.CBNBinomRegressor`, assuming *purely* Poisson-distributed target values. """
[docs] def precalc_parameters(self, feature: Feature, y: np.ndarray, pred: CBLinkPredictionsFactors): return np.bincount(feature.lex_binned_data, weights=y * self.weights, minlength=feature.n_bins)
[docs] def calc_parameters(self, feature: Feature, y: np.ndarray, pred: CBLinkPredictionsFactors, prefit_data): prediction = self.unlink_func(pred.predict_link()) prediction_sum_of_bins = np.bincount( feature.lex_binned_data, weights=self.weights * prediction, minlength=feature.n_bins, ) return _calc_factors_and_uncertainties(alpha=prefit_data, beta=prediction_sum_of_bins, link_func=self.link_func)
__all__ = ["get_gamma_priors", "CBPoissonRegressor", "CBNBinomRegressor"]