Source code for cyclic_boosting.generic_loss

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import abc
import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import six
import sklearn.base
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.stats import beta

from cyclic_boosting.base import CyclicBoostingBase, gaussian_matching_by_quantiles, Feature, CBLinkPredictionsFactors
from import LogLinkMixin, IdentityLinkMixin, LogitLinkMixin
from cyclic_boosting.utils import continuous_quantile_from_discrete_pdf, get_X_column
from cyclic_boosting.classification import get_beta_priors

from typing import Tuple, Union

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CBGenericLoss(CyclicBoostingBase):
    A generic loss, to be defined in the respective subclass, is minimized in
    each bin of each feature. While binning, feature cycles, smoothing, and
    iterations work in the same way as usual in Cyclic Boosting, the
    minimization itself is performed via ``scipy.optimize.minimize`` (instead
    of an analytical solution like, e.g., in ``CBPoissonRegressor``,
    ``CBNBinomRegressor``, or ``CBLocationRegressor``).

    def precalc_parameters(self, feature: Feature, y: np.ndarray, pred: CBLinkPredictionsFactors) -> None:

    def calc_parameters(
        self, feature: Feature, y: np.ndarray, pred: CBLinkPredictionsFactors, prefit_data
    ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        Calling of the optimization (loss minimization) for the different bins
        of the feature at hand. In contrast to the analytical solution in most
        other Cyclic Boosting modes (e.g., ``CBPoissonRegressor``), working
        simply via bin statistics (`bincount`), the generic, numerical
        optimization here requires a dedicated loss funtion to be called for
        each observation.

        feature : :class:`Feature`
            feature for which the parameters of each bin are estimated
        y : np.ndarray
            target variable, containing data with `float` type (potentially
            (in-sample) predictions from all other features (excluding the one
            at hand)
            data returned by :meth:`~.precalc_parameters` during fit, not used

        float, float
            estimated parameters and its uncertainties
        sorting = feature.lex_binned_data.argsort()
        sorted_bins = feature.lex_binned_data[sorting]
        bins, split_indices = np.unique(sorted_bins, return_index=True)
        split_indices = split_indices[1:]

        y_pred = np.hstack((y[..., np.newaxis], self.unlink_func(pred.predict_link())[..., np.newaxis]))
        y_pred = np.hstack((y_pred, self.weights[..., np.newaxis]))
        y_pred_bins = np.split(y_pred[sorting], split_indices)

        # keep potential empty bins in multi-dimensional features
        all_bins = range(feature.n_bins)
        empty_bins = list(set(bins) ^ set(all_bins))
        for i in empty_bins:
            y_pred_bins.insert(i, np.zeros((0, 3)))

        n_bins = len(y_pred_bins)
        parameters = np.zeros(n_bins)
        uncertainties = np.zeros(n_bins)

        for bin in range(n_bins):
            parameters[bin], uncertainties[bin] = self.optimization(
                y_pred_bins[bin][:, 0], y_pred_bins[bin][:, 1], y_pred_bins[bin][:, 2]

        neutral_factor = self.unlink_func(np.array(self.neutral_factor_link))
        if neutral_factor != 0:
            epsilon = 1e-5
            parameters = np.where(np.abs(parameters) < epsilon, epsilon, parameters)
            parameters = np.log(parameters)

        return parameters, uncertainties

    def optimization(self, y: np.ndarray, yhat_others: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]:
        Minimization of the costs (potentially including sample weights) for
        individual feature bins. The initial value for the parameters is set to
        the neutral value for the respective mode.

        param : float
            Parameter to be estimated for the feature bin at hand.
        yhat_others : np.ndarray
            (in-sample) predictions from all other features (excluding the one
            at hand) for the bin at hand, containing data with `float` type
        y : np.ndarray
            target variable, containing data with `float` type (potentially discrete).
        weights : np.ndarray
            optional (otherwise set to 1) sample weights, containing data with `float` type

        float, float
            estimated parameter and its uncertainty
        neutral_factor = self.unlink_func(np.array(self.neutral_factor_link))
        res = minimize(self.objective_function, neutral_factor, args=(yhat_others, y, weights))
        return res.x, self.uncertainty(y, weights)

    def objective_function(self, param: float, yhat_others: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float:
        Calculation of the in-sample costs (potentially including sample
        weights) for individual feature bins according to a given loss
        function, to be minimized subsequently.

        param : float
            Parameter to be estimated for the feature bin at hand.
        yhat_others : np.ndarray
            (in-sample) predictions of all other features (excluding the one at
            hand) for the bin at hand, containing data with `float` type
        y : np.ndarray
            target variable, containing data with `float` type (potentially discrete)
        weights : np.ndarray
            optional (otherwise set to 1) sample weights, containing data with `float` type

            calcualted costs
        model = self.model(param, yhat_others)
        return self.costs(model, y, weights)

    def costs(self, prediction: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float:
        raise NotImplementedError("implement in subclass")

    def model(self, param: float, yhat_others: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        raise NotImplementedError("implement in subclass")

    def uncertainty(self, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float:
        Estimation of parameter uncertainty for a given feature bin.

        y : np.ndarray
            target variable, containing data with `float` type (potentially discrete)
        weights : np.ndarray
            optional (otherwise set to 1) sample weights, containing data with `float` type

            estimated parameter uncertainty
        raise NotImplementedError("implement in subclass")

class CBQuantileRegressor(CBGenericLoss, sklearn.base.RegressorMixin):
    Cyclic Boosting generic quantile regressor. A quantile loss,
    according to the desired quantile to be predicted, is minimized in each bin
    of each feature. While its general structure allows arbitrary/empirical
    target ranges/distributions, the multiplicative model of this mode requires
    non-negative target values.

    quantile : float
        quantile to be estimated
    See: class:`cyclic_boosting.base` for all other parameters.

    def __init__(

        self.quantile = quantile

    def loss(self, prediction: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float:
        Calculation of the in-sample quantile loss, or to be exact costs,
        (potentially including sample weights) after full feature cycles, i.e.,
        iterations, to be used as stopping criteria.

        prediction : np.ndarray
            (in-sample) predictions for desired quantile, containing data with `float` type
        y : np.ndarray
            target variable, containing data with `float` type (potentially discrete)
        weights : np.ndarray
            optional (otherwise set to 1) sample weights, containing data with `float` type

            calculated quantile costs
        return self.quantile_costs(prediction, y, weights, self.quantile)

    def _init_global_scale(self, X: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], y: np.ndarray) -> None:
        self.global_scale_link_, self.prior_pred_link_offset_ = self.quantile_global_scale(
            X, y, self.quantile, self.weights, self.prior_prediction_column, self.link_func

    def costs(self, prediction: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float:
        return self.quantile_costs(prediction, y, weights, self.quantile)

    def prepare_plots(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, prediction: np.ndarray) -> None:
        for feature in self.features:
            if feature.feature_type is None:
                weights = self.weights
                weights = self.weights_external

            feature.bind_data(X, weights)

            sum_w, _, sum_pw = (
                np.bincount(feature.lex_binned_data, weights=w) for w in [weights, weights * y, weights * prediction]

            df = pd.DataFrame({"y": y, "weights": weights, "binnumbers": feature.lex_binned_data})

            def df_continuous_quantile_from_discrete_pdf(df, quantile):
                return continuous_quantile_from_discrete_pdf(df["y"], quantile, df["weights"])

            mean_target_binned = np.asarray(
                df.groupby("binnumbers")[["y", "weights"]].apply(
                    df_continuous_quantile_from_discrete_pdf, quantile=self.quantile

            mean_prediction_binned = sum_pw / sum_w
            mean_prediction_binned = np.where(np.isfinite(mean_prediction_binned), mean_prediction_binned, 1.0)

            # keep potential empty bins in multi-dimensional features
            all_bins = range(max(feature.lex_binned_data) + 1)
            empty_bins = list(set(np.unique(feature.lex_binned_data)) ^ set(all_bins))
            for i in empty_bins:
                mean_target_binned = np.insert(mean_target_binned, i, 1.0)

            mean_y_finite = continuous_quantile_from_discrete_pdf(y, self.quantile, weights)
            mean_prediction_finite = np.sum(sum_pw) / np.sum(sum_w)

            if len(mean_target_binned) + 1 == feature.n_bins:
                mean_target_binned = np.append(mean_target_binned, 1.0)
            if len(mean_prediction_binned) + 1 == feature.n_bins:
                mean_prediction_binned = np.append(mean_prediction_binned, 1.0)

            if isinstance(self, IdentityLinkMixin):
                feature.mean_dev = mean_prediction_binned - mean_target_binned
                feature.y = mean_target_binned - mean_y_finite
                feature.prediction = mean_prediction_binned - mean_prediction_finite
                feature.mean_dev = np.log(mean_prediction_binned + 1e-12) - np.log(mean_target_binned + 1e-12)
                feature.y = np.log(mean_target_binned / mean_y_finite + 1e-12)
                feature.prediction = np.log(mean_prediction_binned / mean_prediction_finite + 1e-12)

            feature.y_finite = mean_y_finite
            feature.prediction_finite = mean_prediction_finite

            feature.learn_rate = 1.0

    def _call_observe_iterations(self, iteration, X, y, prediction, delta) -> None:
        for observer in self.observers:
                iteration, X, y, prediction, self.weights, self.get_state(), delta, self.quantile

    def quantile_costs(prediction: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray, quantile: float) -> float:
        Calculation of the in-sample quantile costs (potentially including sample

        prediction : np.ndarray
            (in-sample) predictions for desired quantile, containing data with `float` type
        y : np.ndarray
            target variable, containing data with `float` type (potentially discrete)
        weights : np.ndarray
            optional (otherwise set to 1) sample weights, containing data with `float` type
        quantile : float
            quantile to be estimated

            calculated quantile costs
        if len(y) > 0:
            sum_weighted_error = np.nansum(
                ((y < prediction) * (1 - quantile) * (prediction - y) + (y >= prediction) * quantile * (y - prediction))
                * weights
            quantile_costs = sum_weighted_error / np.nansum(weights)
            return quantile_costs
            return 0.0

    def quantile_global_scale(
        X: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray],
        y: np.ndarray,
        quantile: float,
        weights: np.ndarray,
        prior_prediction_column: Union[str, int, None],
    ) -> Tuple:
        Calculation of the global scale for quantile regression, corresponding
        to the (continuous approximation of the) respective quantile of the
        target values used in the training.

        The exact value of the global scale is not critical for the model
        accuracy (as the model has enough parameters to compensate).
        However, a value which is not representative of a good overall average leads to factors with
        averages unequal to 1 for each feature (making interpretation more
        if weights is None:
            raise RuntimeError("The weights have to be initialized.")

        global_scale_link_ = link_func(continuous_quantile_from_discrete_pdf(y, quantile, weights))

        prior_pred_link_offset_ = None
        if prior_prediction_column is not None:
            prior_pred = get_X_column(X, prior_prediction_column)
            finite = np.isfinite(prior_pred)
            if not np.all(finite):
                    "Found a total number of {} non-finite values in the prior prediction column".format(

            prior_pred_mean = np.sum(prior_pred[finite] * weights[finite]) / np.sum(weights[finite])

            prior_pred_link_mean = link_func(prior_pred_mean)

            if np.isfinite(prior_pred_link_mean):
                prior_pred_link_offset_ = global_scale_link_ - prior_pred_link_mean
                    "The mean prior prediction in link-space is not finite. "
                    "Therefore no individualization is done "
                    "and no prior mean subtraction is necessary."
                prior_pred_link_offset_ = float(global_scale_link_)

        return global_scale_link_, prior_pred_link_offset_

[docs] class CBMultiplicativeQuantileRegressor(CBQuantileRegressor, LogLinkMixin): """ Cyclic Boosting multiplicative quantile-regression mode. A quantile loss, according to the desired quantile to be predicted, is minimized in each bin of each feature. While its general structure allows arbitrary/empirical target ranges/distributions, the multiplicative model of this mode requires non-negative target values. This should be used for non-negative target ranges, i.e., 0 to infinity. Parameters ---------- quantile : float quantile to be estimated See :class:`cyclic_boosting.base` for all other parameters. """ def __init__( self, feature_groups=None, hierarchical_feature_groups=None, feature_properties=None, weight_column=None, prior_prediction_column=None, minimal_loss_change=1e-10, minimal_factor_change=1e-10, maximal_iterations=10, observers=None, smoother_choice=None, output_column=None, learn_rate=None, quantile=None, aggregate=True, ): CBQuantileRegressor.__init__( self, feature_groups=feature_groups, hierarchical_feature_groups=hierarchical_feature_groups, feature_properties=feature_properties, weight_column=weight_column, prior_prediction_column=prior_prediction_column, minimal_loss_change=minimal_loss_change, minimal_factor_change=minimal_factor_change, maximal_iterations=maximal_iterations, observers=observers, smoother_choice=smoother_choice, output_column=output_column, learn_rate=learn_rate, quantile=quantile, aggregate=aggregate, ) def _check_y(self, y: np.ndarray) -> None: check_y_multiplicative(y)
[docs] def model(self, param: float, yhat_others: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return model_multiplicative(param, yhat_others)
[docs] def uncertainty(self, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float: return uncertainty_gamma(y, weights)
[docs] class CBAdditiveQuantileRegressor(CBQuantileRegressor, IdentityLinkMixin): """ Cyclic Boosting additive quantile-regression mode. A quantile loss, according to the desired quantile to be predicted, is minimized in each bin of each feature. This should be used for unconstrained target ranges, i.e., -infinity to infinity. Parameters ---------- quantile : float quantile to be estimated See: class:`cyclic_boosting.base` for all other parameters. """ def __init__( self, feature_groups=None, hierarchical_feature_groups=None, feature_properties=None, weight_column=None, prior_prediction_column=None, minimal_loss_change=1e-10, minimal_factor_change=1e-10, maximal_iterations=10, observers=None, smoother_choice=None, output_column=None, learn_rate=None, quantile=None, aggregate=True, ): CBQuantileRegressor.__init__( self, feature_groups=feature_groups, hierarchical_feature_groups=hierarchical_feature_groups, feature_properties=feature_properties, weight_column=weight_column, prior_prediction_column=prior_prediction_column, minimal_loss_change=minimal_loss_change, minimal_factor_change=minimal_factor_change, maximal_iterations=maximal_iterations, observers=observers, smoother_choice=smoother_choice, output_column=output_column, learn_rate=learn_rate, quantile=quantile, aggregate=aggregate, ) def _check_y(self, y: np.ndarray) -> None: check_y_additive(y)
[docs] def model(self, param: float, yhat_others: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return model_additive(param, yhat_others)
[docs] def uncertainty(self, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float: return uncertainty_gaussian(y, weights)
def model_multiplicative(param: float, yhat_others: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return param * yhat_others def model_additive(param: float, yhat_others: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return param + yhat_others def uncertainty_gamma(y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float: # use moment-matching of a Gamma posterior with a log-normal # distribution as approximation alpha_prior = 2 alpha_posterior = np.sum(weights * y) + alpha_prior sigma = np.sqrt(np.log(1 + alpha_posterior) - np.log(alpha_posterior)) return sigma def uncertainty_gaussian(y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float: sum_weights = np.sum(weights) weighted_mean_y = np.sum(y * weights) / sum_weights weighted_squared_residual_sum = np.sum(weights * (y - weighted_mean_y) ** 2) variance_prior = weighted_squared_residual_sum / sum_weights if variance_prior <= 1e-9: variance_prior = 1.0 n_prior = 1 a_0 = 0.5 * n_prior b_0 = a_0 * variance_prior a = a_0 + 0.5 * sum_weights b = b_0 + 0.5 * weighted_squared_residual_sum variance_y = b / a w = weights / variance_y sum_w = np.sum(w) sum_vw = np.sum(weights * w) w0 = 1e-2 sum_w += w0 sum_vw += w0 variance_weighted_mean = sum_vw / sum_w**2 return np.sqrt(variance_weighted_mean) def uncertainty_beta(y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray, link_func) -> float: # use moment-matching of a Beta posterior with a log-normal # distribution as approximation alpha_prior, beta_prior = get_beta_priors() alpha_posterior = np.sum(weights * y) + alpha_prior beta_posterior = np.sum(weights * (1 - y)) + beta_prior shift = 0.4 * (alpha_posterior / (alpha_posterior + beta_posterior) - 0.5) perc1 = 0.75 - shift perc2 = 0.25 - shift posterior = beta(alpha_posterior, beta_posterior) _, sigma = gaussian_matching_by_quantiles(posterior, link_func, perc1, perc2) return sigma def check_y_multiplicative(y: np.ndarray) -> None: """Check that y has no negative values.""" if not (y >= 0.0).all(): raise ValueError( "The target y must be positive semi-definite " "and not NAN. y[~(y>=0)] = {0}".format(y[~(y >= 0)]) ) def check_y_additive(y: np.ndarray) -> None: if not np.isfinite(y).all(): raise ValueError("The target y must be real value and not NAN.") def check_y_classification(y: np.ndarray) -> None: """Check that y has only values 0. or 1.""" if not ((y == 0.0) | (y == 1.0)).all(): raise ValueError( "The target y must be either 0 or 1 " "and not NAN. y[(y != 0) & (y != 1)] = {0}".format(y[(y != 0) & (y != 1)]) )
[docs] class CBMultiplicativeGenericCRegressor(CBGenericLoss, sklearn.base.RegressorMixin, LogLinkMixin): """ Multiplicative regression mode allowing an arbitrary loss function to be minimized in each feature bin.This should be used for non-negative target ranges, i.e., 0 to infinity. Parameters ---------- costs : function loss (to be exact, cost) function to be minimized See :class:`cyclic_boosting.base` for all other parameters. """ def __init__( self, feature_groups=None, hierarchical_feature_groups=None, feature_properties=None, weight_column=None, prior_prediction_column=None, minimal_loss_change=1e-10, minimal_factor_change=1e-10, maximal_iterations=10, observers=None, smoother_choice=None, output_column=None, learn_rate=None, aggregate=True, costs=None, ): CyclicBoostingBase.__init__( self, feature_groups=feature_groups, hierarchical_feature_groups=hierarchical_feature_groups, feature_properties=feature_properties, weight_column=weight_column, prior_prediction_column=prior_prediction_column, minimal_loss_change=minimal_loss_change, minimal_factor_change=minimal_factor_change, maximal_iterations=maximal_iterations, observers=observers, smoother_choice=smoother_choice, output_column=output_column, learn_rate=learn_rate, aggregate=aggregate, ) self.costs = costs
[docs] def loss(self, prediction: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float: return self.costs(prediction, y, weights)
def _check_y(self, y: np.ndarray) -> None: check_y_multiplicative(y)
[docs] def costs(self, prediction: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float: return self.costs(prediction, y, weights)
[docs] def model(self, param: float, yhat_others: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return model_multiplicative(param, yhat_others)
[docs] def uncertainty(self, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float: return uncertainty_gamma(y, weights)
[docs] class CBAdditiveGenericCRegressor(CBGenericLoss, sklearn.base.RegressorMixin, IdentityLinkMixin): """ Additive regression mode allowing an arbitrary loss function to be minimized in each feature bin. This should be used for unconstrained target ranges, i.e., -infinity to infinity. Parameters ---------- costs : function loss (to be exact, cost) function to be minimized See :class:`cyclic_boosting.base` for all other parameters. """ def __init__( self, feature_groups=None, hierarchical_feature_groups=None, feature_properties=None, weight_column=None, prior_prediction_column=None, minimal_loss_change=1e-10, minimal_factor_change=1e-10, maximal_iterations=10, observers=None, smoother_choice=None, output_column=None, learn_rate=None, aggregate=True, costs=None, ): CyclicBoostingBase.__init__( self, feature_groups=feature_groups, hierarchical_feature_groups=hierarchical_feature_groups, feature_properties=feature_properties, weight_column=weight_column, prior_prediction_column=prior_prediction_column, minimal_loss_change=minimal_loss_change, minimal_factor_change=minimal_factor_change, maximal_iterations=maximal_iterations, observers=observers, smoother_choice=smoother_choice, output_column=output_column, learn_rate=learn_rate, aggregate=aggregate, ) self.costs = costs
[docs] def loss(self, prediction: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float: return self.costs(prediction, y, weights)
def _check_y(self, y: np.ndarray) -> None: check_y_additive(y)
[docs] def costs(self, prediction: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float: return self.costs(prediction, y, weights)
[docs] def model(self, param: float, yhat_others: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return model_additive(param, yhat_others)
[docs] def uncertainty(self, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float: return uncertainty_gaussian(y, weights)
[docs] class CBGenericClassifier(CBGenericLoss, sklearn.base.ClassifierMixin, LogitLinkMixin): """ Multiplicative (binary, i.e., target values 0 and 1) classification mode allowing an arbitrary loss function to be minimized in each feature bin. Parameters ---------- costs : function loss (to be exact, cost) function to be minimized See :class:`cyclic_boosting.base` for all other parameters. """ def __init__( self, feature_groups=None, hierarchical_feature_groups=None, feature_properties=None, weight_column=None, prior_prediction_column=None, minimal_loss_change=1e-10, minimal_factor_change=1e-10, maximal_iterations=10, observers=None, smoother_choice=None, output_column=None, learn_rate=None, aggregate=True, costs=None, ): CyclicBoostingBase.__init__( self, feature_groups=feature_groups, hierarchical_feature_groups=hierarchical_feature_groups, feature_properties=feature_properties, weight_column=weight_column, prior_prediction_column=prior_prediction_column, minimal_loss_change=minimal_loss_change, minimal_factor_change=minimal_factor_change, maximal_iterations=maximal_iterations, observers=observers, smoother_choice=smoother_choice, output_column=output_column, learn_rate=learn_rate, aggregate=aggregate, ) self.costs = costs
[docs] def loss(self, prediction: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float: return self.costs(prediction, y, weights)
def _check_y(self, y: np.ndarray) -> None: check_y_classification(y)
[docs] def costs(self, prediction: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float: return self.costs(prediction, y, weights)
[docs] def model(self, param: float, yhat_others: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return model_multiplicative(param, yhat_others)
[docs] def uncertainty(self, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray) -> float: return uncertainty_beta(y, weights, self.link_func)
__all__ = [ "CBMultiplicativeQuantileRegressor", "CBAdditiveQuantileRegressor", "CBMultiplicativeGenericCRegressor", "CBAdditiveGenericCRegressor", "CBGenericClassifier", ]